Call Us
Our phone number is : (03) 5441-2515
Our office hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm
Our office hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm

Visit Us
We are in the Strathdale Community Centre at 155 Crook Street, Strathdale.
Our Groups also meet at our other site at 15 Crook Street, Strathdale.
Our Groups also meet at our other site at 15 Crook Street, Strathdale.
Email Us
To add your name to any of the expressions of interest lists, to make suggestions, or to make queries about hiring rooms, or for any other query; please fill out the form below and send it. And be sure to tell us what we can do for you.
Keep Social with us on Facebook
Below is a feed to our FaceBook Page: