(03) 5441-2515

Special Interest Short Workshops

Examples of a few we have run recently are 'Email Workshops for new Gmail users' and 'Make your Snapfish Christmas Cards'. These workshops have been well attended, and we would like to run more, and offer a greater range of workshops. (We have volunteers and trainers with all sorts of interesting skills and hobbies that they want to share.)

For any workshop, there would need to be at least five people, and the costs will range between $5 per person to $20 per person per 2-3hr workshop, depending on the type of workshop it is. Larger groups or longer workshops can also be arranged with us. So if you have a group of five friends that want to learn something or make something, get in touch with us.
Members of the Karen community in a 'How to vote' workshop we held before the last election

Members of the Karen community in a 'How to vote' workshop we held before the last election

Examples & Possibilities

  • Intro to Auslan
  • Scrapbooking
  • Making a tile mosaic
  • Intro to Essential Oils
  • Knitting Basics
  • Facebook Basics
  • Setting up Internet Banking
  • Ebay Basics
  • Children's workshops (an endless list of art, technology, craft, or just fun ones that could happen; but we would need the attendance of an adult for each child)
We know that you probably have a lot more ideas, or perhaps you would like to run a workshop yourself and share your skills. Just let us know your idea, or what you and your friends would like to do.