(03) 5441-2515

Health & Well Being Classes

As a qualified psychotherapist and a practitioner of alternative therapies, Helen has introduced a lot of people to new ways of thinking about health, wellbeing and communication over the many years that she has been teaching at Bendigo Neighbourhood Hub. But students don't just get to talk about these ideas; each of her classes are experiential, students get to 'sample' the methods and techniques that they are introduced to.
Held in small groups, with supportive and emotionally safe environments, these courses are a great introduction for those who are care givers or thinking of being practitioners of alternative therapies themselves.

The Health and Wellbeing Courses have been run for this year, but we already taking names for the next round of courses ( for next year)

Please contact us to put in your expression of interest for:
  • Introduction to Alternative Therapies
  • Introduction to Massage
  • Introduction to Counselling & Communication
or with any other suggestion you may have, eg Meditation

Three BNHub couses starting in April

Hallo people- Our first video post:) Helen tells us about the three Health and Well Being courses that are beginning here at BNHub in Mid April: Intro to Alternative Therapies, Intro to Counseling & Intro to Massage.Ok so one of our resident craft nuts (enthusiasts:) got hold of the video. Enjoy, spread the word, and Keep Well:)

Posted by Bendigo Neighbourhood Hub on Sunday, 29 March 2015

Helen talking about the Health and Wellbeing Courses

This little video is from our facebook page. It is Helen herself talking about three health and wellbeing courses earlier in the year. Intro to Alternative Therapies, Intro to Counselling & Communication and Intro to Massage.